Friday, 17 January 2014

PhotoShop Expiriments

Here I created 3 different layers and reduced the opacity on two so two would be translucent, therefore causing the other to stand out. I quite like this as it wouldn't be too distracting from the cover lines yet is unique and individual which will grab the attention of the viewer. I could improve the image by removing the shadow on the left by using the patch tool. I could also increase the opacity of the right figure to make it look more even. I will also improve the blemishes on the artist so it looks tidy and professional. I used the main image as it presents the artist as a rebel which is the whole image of the artist and will attract the fans. It also has the prop of the amp lead in easy view which emphasises on the article 'Unplugged' and makes the personal tone more clear. There is also an equal balance between left and right which adds to the professional tone of the magazine, yet the image also allows space for cover lines on the conventional left third and if the words were to overlap over onto the artist then this wouldn't be a problem as the image isn't too detailed of busy so therefore wouldn't make the cover line too hard to read.
Here I used numerous photos layered on top of each other that reduce in opacity the further they go so they draw attention to the centre. I changed the background from the grey paper drop screen to white, I dislike this as the contrast is too strong which makes it look unnatural and unprofessional. I feel that the use of lots of the same artist although looks unique and draws the eye is unsuitable to use on the cover of my magazine as it can be distracting and make it harder to read the cover lines. Also it distracts from the main artist which is one of the main reasons people would purchase the magazine. I won't be using this technique on my real front cover as it is too distracting and looks very unnatural and unprofessional. 

Here is a more simple approach to the cover image where I simply improved the portrait. I quite like this although it sticks to the conventions which wouldn't attract as much attention as it fits in with other magazines whereas I want to aim for something that stands out so there is a tone of interest and curiosity which will imprint upon the viewer and persuade them to pick up the magazine. There is room at the top of the image for a masthead and gaps at the side for cover lines. The model looks natural which is an image that I feel that would more suited on the double page spread although a natural pose would look more like the interview was a natural conversation with no editing from the publicist and that all the words in the article were the artists own. 

Overall I feel that the first image is the one I shall use as it subverts the stereotypical conventions of a front cover image. I will make a few adjustments to improve the image. I feel that the second image was too busy which would prevent the cover lines from standing out and the last image too conventional which would mean no one would remember it and the magazine would naturally blend in to the rest of the news stand which is what I want to avoid as I will rely on the ability for my magazine to stand out to draw the eye of the viewer to the published piece so they will read my cover lines then become a consumer and reader instead of a viewer of the news stand. 

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