Sunday, 19 January 2014

Second Draft of Front Cover

Here is the new and improved version of my cover image. I changed quite a lot from the original version. I first removed the motto from the skyline and replaced it with a bar with artists names in. I did this because I felt that I needed more artists on the cover and that the main area below the masthead was quite full. So I got rid of my motto 'Because Music isn't just for Listening' and replaced it with Arctic Monkeys, Little Comets and Bastille. Although I might remove Little Comets and replace with a more well known band. I put these artists names here so they would be easily seen on the newsstand and could possibly persuade a viewer to purchase the magazine, this would have more of a direct effect than a magazine motto. I also changed the font of 'Poppy Scarlet' and 'Unplugged' I did this to create more of an impact. I used a bold 3D font which has connotations of being modern to create Poppy Scarlet as being trendy and then I used a more raw and worn font for the unplugged so portray a stripped back version of the artist which is what my audience want. I used a different shade of red as I found the font to be very similar to the 'confidential' stamp, this implies that this article is for the viewers eyes only and exclusive to Amplify.

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