Saturday, 29 March 2014

Evaluation- What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?!date=2014-02-04_11:50:10!

Above is the timeline of learning the progression of technologies. On the timeline click More, then Find out more to be directed to my skills development. Looking overall at my timeline I can see that I have picked up and developed a wide range of skills throughout the course and the use of online facilities have become a lot more proficient and efficient. As I progressed through the course I become more accustomed to the new technologies making my work be presented in new and fluent ways. In conclusion not only have I become more design efficient but I have become a lot more aware of different ways to use technology to create and present information. Before I would've just written a simple blog post but now I would probably use software such as Prezi or Issuu.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Evaluation- How did you attract/address your audience?

Learning how to use Tiki-Toki Timeline Software

To present an overall change and progression of my work I placed it within a timeline through using Tiki-Toki timeline software. This allows me to see an overall of all my work.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Evaluation- Who would be the audience for your media product?

Looking at my previous audience profiles I feel that I have established a good understanding of my audience but I have brought to life new audience profiles that would summarise my typical reader in a lot more detail than drawings on paper. I feel that my audience has developed along with the magazine and that although I portrayed their statistics such as going to school or liking music I felt these lacked personalities.

Below is a tumblr page for my typical female reader. I put this on a social networking site to convey her social interaction and called it 'pour me one for the road' as it is a lyric from her favourite alternative band the Arctic Monkeys.

Below is a video expressing the interests of my typical male reader.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Evaluation - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Learning How to use SoundCloud

To speak directly to my audience and add more emotion and interaction I have learnt and developed an understanding of how to present my work personally to someone over a computer screen.