Sunday, 23 March 2014

Online Focus Group

I held an online focus group to improve what appeared to be my final drafts to ensure that my magazine would be attractive to my audience and if they felt that anything should be changed. The main points were:

  • I LOVE the pull quotes on the double page, and your house style flows SO nicely. I feel like everything is a little squished, but thats your style of magazine so thats fine, and the simpler dps balances that out too."
  • "For the venues image why not make the content bigger and move it across in the frame?"
  • (Contents Page) "The Poppy Scarlet image is a bit, goofy! Is there a similar one you could use instead? I do like the continuation of the fonts/colours however"
  • (Double Page Spread) "Page number/other info at bottom of page appear too big and bold. Nice use of drop cap although text looks very italic"
  •  (Double Page Spread) "I like how image goes across both pages" 

I will work on these points and then decide whether I like them and then rectify if there are any problems but after this I will hopefully be able to complete these knowing full well my audience will be satisfied and attracted to the product.

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