Thursday, 6 March 2014

Draft of Contents Page

Here is my draft of my contents page. I have kept to the house style with colour and font to form a sense of continuity between the front cover and contents page. I paced Poppy Scarlet who is my featured artist as the biggest part of the page as this is the leading article and one that the audience will probably have most interest in. I also decided to feature a quote from the article to entice the consumer to read this article. I used three different fonts within this pull quote. The main one being the font that is part of the house style but then I used a serif font in italics for 'Right' as these combined convey a style that has traditional connotations which matches the meaning of the word, then for 'Wrong' I used an eroded and damaged sans serif font to portray the damage that is associated with the word.  I decided to use a different photo to one from the front cover to create a sense of variety throughout. I placed her in the corner to allow articles to be able to be placed around efficiently. I then added three more images to balance the text and images to convey that there is more, but to also draw the viewers attention to these articles. The two images of the live concert and the busker I kept in a square as I feel that the image of Poppy Scarlet isn't very linear so to balance this out I would keep the images square, but also buy keeping them this shape it fills up empty space which is to convey the busy and chaotic side of the alternative genre. I also felt that by restricting the other parts of the contents page to their columns it implies the free and rebelled spirit of my artist that she is breaking the columns. I kept the use of red very minimal and used it mainly for the folios so these would stand out and assist the navigation of the magazine. The navigation of the magazine is important as it can affect the attitude towards it, if the consumer struggles then this will create a negative attitude which could push them to not buy the magazine again. I also changed the colours of type for the featured articles to highlight them and to make them more striking to the reader so they would look at these articles. I compact every other article into one column to make space for the images but I feel that these are too black and there is no way to differentiate between title and caption. I will change the colour of the caption to separate these, but I will keep to the house style. I won't use red as it will distract from the folios and make it harder to navigate, I will try white and experiment but I really don't want to distract from more important parts of the magazine. I placed the social interaction parts in the bottom right corner to allow them to stand out although I find that these are out of the way and could not be seen I really like how they fit in the bottom right corner and merge into the border so I will experiment with moving this into a more prominent box where they are more likely to be seen. I find the picture for the article 'Can we have some more CD's please' isn't very obvious or clear to what it is so could cause some confusion to the viewer. I will take a clearer image that will be more obvious and see whether that will bring any more improvements. I feel that this image doesn't conform to the house style of the linear squares although it is a straight lined shape, so if I take another image I will see whether I can stick to the square shape.

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